Tyler was born on the 4th of July in 2002 and for the next almost 17 years, he made sure our lives were always eventful. He is missed greatly.
Millie was an exceptional companion, friend , and furry footed child. From her insistent playing with the ball to searching for the lost treat only she knew was there. She…
Shade was a great cat. He was the family protector. He put himself in between me and a very aggressive cat that we tried to accept into our home. He…
Our Trevor, part beagle, part lab, was probably the most annoying dog we’ve ever had. He whined A.L.L. T.H.E. T.I.M.E., for all of his 17 years, for reasons we could…
Shorty was born in Keota, IA on May 29, 2008. She came to live with me when she was about 4 months old, the last of her litter to find…
Jade was so special in many ways. She gave such joy from the very first time I seen her. Sure she will be missed but she will walk with me…
Our beloved Otis. He was loved and show us love each and everyday. There is no greater love. We miss you Big O-T, Moose hound, big O. We cherish the…
Our Zoe was a sweet girl! She was a mother of 2 litters of puppies before we met. After she joined our home, she showered our family with love, loyalty…
We adopted Daisy when she was about 5/6. She had a really hard life before us. Was ran over by a car mistreated and generally not loved. The person who…
Sophie was a Rat Terrier that loved her family very much as we did her. I always said I was glad she was not a large dog because if she…