Shortly after my husband passed, I knew I needed some special care, so first, Dutch entered the scene to rescue my broken heart……then a year later, the cutest little shi tzu with dark reddish fur joined us in 2008. She has been the sweetest little companion anyone could have hoped for. And for 16 1/2 years we have been privileged to share our home with her. Her fur may have faded to a dull brown over the years, but her spirit has held strong. She has traveled to Texas with us for several winters and welcomed a little Cavalier King Charles playmate 10 years ago and 2 more Cav’s joined us from a breeder/rescue situation. Piper always seemed to love having her own little pack as her family and they all respected the old matriarch as well. So now that she’s passed over the rainbow bridge, we just are thankful for all the years she gave us and the memories we have to enjoy. And she made a beautiful model for my hobby of pastel art as I can look at it and remember her in her prime. |